JavaScript testing


Learn everything you need to know to write solid, modular, maintainable frontend code that resists to the test of time.
Spans over 2 or 3 days, as requested.

DAY 1:
  • Testing theory and thought process
  • JavaScript unit testing fundamentals
  • Cypress / Functional testing fundamentals
  • Practical group session
DAY 2:
  • Cypress intermediate to advanced topics
  • Testing in CI
  • Practical group session
DAY 3:
  • JavaScript unit testing focus
  • Automated Performance testing
  • Automated Accessibility testing
  • Practical group session

Get in touch for the full course curriculum.

JavaScript icon JavaScript and TypeScript


JavaScript is not a poor's man language anymore. Mastering this language, and the whole ecosystem, is paramount for the modern team.

What I offer:

  • Strategic frontend support
  • Training and coaching
  • Ecosystem/tooling training
  • Frontend performance analysis / best practices


Here's what I enjoy working with ...

Django icon JavaScript icon JavaScript and TypeScript React and Redux


I build stuff mainly with JavaScript and Django. I guess all Django developers share a common story. They built a lot of stuff, tried a micro-framework, but in the end, they always returned to Django because it is opinionated, and offers all the tools for building full-stack web applications with Python.

Despite my crush for JavaScript on the frontend, Django and Postgres are my safe harbors for anything backend related.


Contact me to schedule a training - consulting plan or to discuss your next project.



Francesca Postiglione

Francesca Postiglione / Communication & Corporate Trainer @ weBeetle

Abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare Valentino Gagliardi in weBeetle per una formazione di due giorni dedicata al testing, con un focus su Cypress.

Le sue competenze e la profonda conoscenza sul tema hanno messo in circolo un dibattito vivace e piacevole tra le persone che hanno seguito il corso. Un interessante punto di partenza per i progetti futuri!

Nicola Bavarone

Nicola Bavarone / CEO @ Bytelabs

Valentino is a very high level professional.

It provided its expertise as a team leader on a project based on Django and React. Needless to say, it really made a difference. I was very pleased and admired in the way he brought new teaching and best practices of the highest value.

Excellent cooperation even on the human profile and mutual confrontation.

Antonio Quondamatteo

Antonio Quondamatteo / CTO @

I want to express my appreciation for the wonderful work and the excellent service that Valentino has done.

He supported us in migrating our old full-stack PHP website to a new and more efficient ReactJS app.

Our team of PHP experts has been guided by him in the most appropriate choices and directions, saving a lot of precious time in the search for the best practical solutions.

Always available and friendly, Valentino has proven to be very professional and technically well informed.


Renzo Carpanzano / Partner @ Syntax S.r.l.

I was looking for a consultant who could help us with the strategic choice of front-end technologies for our products.

I stumbled on Valentino's blog, got in touch, and hired him for advice.

With great professionalism and passion he helped shaping our journey toward new technologies.

Feedbacks from developers I trained

Davide D'Antonio

Davide D'Antonio / Senior Full Stack Developer

Valentino is a high level professional and a great teacher/mentor. His approach to teaching is very flexible and he easily adapts to the people in front of him, and he has the ability to transmit concepts clearly and concisely.

During the two days of workshops spent with him he explained to us how to approach testing by showing us different techniques and tools.

The most interesting thing in his way of teaching is that when he explains something he not only tells you "how to do it" but also "why to do it". I hope to meet him again soon.

Abdi Saeed

Abdi Saeed / Senior Front-end Developer

Valentino is a great trainer and mentor. He's flexible in his approach and tailors it to learner's needs.

What's appealing about his style is that not only he shows you "how" but also "why".

If you are looking to get up to speed or solidify your understanding, I would highly recommend Valentino.

Roberto Lanuti

Roberto Lanuti / Senior Java Developer

I was looking for a teacher who could help me to start with React/Redux and I found Valentino. I had the first 10 lessons with him where we were able to cover a lot of very interesting aspects of React and Redux (in order to start with them we had also a look/refresh on JavaScript concepts).

After the first 10 lessons, I decided to extend the course with another 5 lessons, that were dedicated to a better understanding of particular topics that I have raised . I'm very happy of him and his approach: I would definitely recommend Valentino!

John Amaya

John Amaya / Web Developer

After years of online courses I was still feeling insecure when writing code and logic. But thanks to the training path I took with Valentino now things start to be crystal clear.

Valentino prepares a personalized path for every student, and you learn something new in every lesson.

I suggest Valentino's training to anyone feeling insecure about programming in general and JavaScript. It's the best way to learn.

Irene Tomaini

Irene Tomaini / Front-end Developer

Great teacher.

I like the assignments so much, they are focused on solving real practical problems with React.

The assignments are never trivial, they require an effort which helps to internalize the concepts.

Being coached with a personalized learning path is very useful and helps saving plenty of time!

Cristiano Bianchi

Cristiano Bianchi / JavaScript Developer

I always studied JavaScript as a self-taught developer.

Then I decided to contact Valentino because I felt I had to dig deeper into the intricacies of JavaScript.

Valentino is able to explain JavaScript clearly, adapting the study plan to my needs.

The exercises are great too, and they help sticking JavaScript in my head. Great teacher! Recommended!

Thodoris Kallias

Thodoris Kallias / JavaScript Developer

Valentino is not only a JavaScript and React expert, but also has the required ability to clearly transmit this knowledge.

He attributes great importance to testing, a field in which few have comprehensive knowledge.

He is a great teacher, and I would highly recommend him.

Luca Parlapiano

Luca Parlapiano / Android Developer

Valentino is a great teacher! He is professional and prepared. He makes every topic clear and understandable. The lessons are relaxed and focused on guiding the student to clearly understand the concepts.

I've spared not less than 6 months of study and research on Redux thanks to him!


Valentino Gagliardi

I am Valentino and I help busy people embracing this crazy modern JavaScript stuff.

I'm also active in the Python community and I serve as a coach for Django Girls.

Books and courses


Pycon Italia - June 2022 - Leaflet on steroids with Django

Django fornisce potenti strumenti per costruire applicazioni geospaziali. Ma cosa succede quando i dati da visualizzare diventano troppi, e gli strumenti di base non bastano più?

Basato su un caso reale, in questo talk vedremo come rendere fruibili mappe basate su Leaflet sfruttando diversi meccanismi di ottimizzazione, lato backend e frontend.

Python Biella Group - November - December 2021 - Scopriamo Django

Una serie di tre serate alla scoperta di uno dei più importanti framework web per Python.

Agenda degli incontri:

  • Prima serata: architettura, introduzione, view e templates.
  • Seconda serata: testing, models, relazioni DB, usare l'ORM, i forms.
  • Terza serata: authenticazione, Django in produzione, Django REST framework.

GraphQL Wroclaw - July 2021 - Here's a subscription you can't refuse

WebSockets are mostly associated with the asynchronous capabilities of JavaScript. But it doesn't have to be JavaScript all the way down.

In this talk, you will learn how to pair Django, Channels, and Ariadne to leverage the power of GraphQL subscriptions, in a few lines of code!

Fuzzy Brains - May 2021 - Role Model Stories

Per andare oltre i blocchi, di cui parla Brené Brown, abbiamo bisogno di role model. Persone che attraverso il racconto delle loro esperienze possono ispirare motivazioni, obiettivi e risultati di chi li osserva.

Le/I role model sono la rappresentazione della possibilità di ciò che tutti possono essere al di là di stereotipi e pregiudizi. Per questo, crediamo che sia importante raccontare storie di donne, ma anche di uomini, che lavorano in ambito STEM, credono nei valori della diversità e dell'inclusione e possono aiutarci ad abbattere stereotipi e combattere il gender gap. Questo è quello che vogliamo fare con Role Model Stories.


Django è un framework così completo che quasi non sembra vero. Ma i problemi iniziano dopo, quando Django stesso impone di usare strumenti come le task queue.

In questo talk vedrai come sfruttare Django Q per aggirare il problema, e cosa significa lavorare con il codice asincrono in Django.



React è a tutti gli effetti lo standard de facto per lo sviluppo di interfacce web interattive. Ma lo strapotere durerà per sempre? Svelte 3 potrebbe insidiare il trono che React ormai occupa da qualche anno. In questo talk vedremo insieme cos’è Svelte 3, in cosa è diverso da React e perché dovrebbe essere preso in considerazione.



With the rise of JavaScript as the lingua-franca of the web and the steady growth of libraries like React, today’s web developers can build rich and well structured frontend experiences. Pair that with Django and Django REST framework and you get the perfect combination.

But it’s not all bells and whistles. What challenges are we going to face when decoupling Django with Django REST? What are the best practices? How to structure such a project? In this talk I’ll guide Django developers (both beginners and intermediate) from 0 to structuring a decoupled Django project.